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  • Writer's pictureJan Shotts

Change Can be a Good Thing!

The Face Behind the Fuzzy Duckling........

Change happens to all of us whether we want it to or not! It even happens to ducks!!! You may have noticed that the design of our webpage has changed considerably. That is because of change......I just found out a few days ago that my website software is in the process of being discontinued! That is not good for those of us that tend to stay in a rut. But, because of that, I have moved the site to an entirely new platform. So far it has been a good experience for me and I hope it will be for you, too.

This whole process has made me think about "change". Is it always bad and frustrating or can it be exciting and good? I remember when I was a kid and very interested in art. (That was many years ago as I am a grandma several times over!) Back in the 50's and 60's we did not have this thing called the Internet. If we needed information about a subject we either had to take a structured class, find someone who was knowledgable about the subject, or, go to a physical library. Well, where we lived the library was not an option and we could not afford art classes. So, I was on my own and, therefore, did not progress very far as an artist. Not surprisingly, art just kind of "slipped" out of my life and I went on to get married and have two kids. Oh, I dabbled (once in a while) by designing bulletin boards for church or painting a picture for a family member but I didn't really DO anything with it. But, about two years ago, I decided that I wanted to make art a priority. I wanted "art" with a little "a" to become "Art" with a capital "A". And, oh, how different I found it! Thanks to the Internet, learning about Art was so much easier! I no longer had to find a convenient class, or a knowledgable neighbor or even find the nearest library. There were almost infinite learning experiences right at my fingertips. I could, right in the privacy of my own home (in my PJ's if I wanted) find classes and teachers and artists available to me, anytime, morning, afternoon or midnight. WOW!!! This is one change that was GOOD!! Fantastic, in fact! I have learned more about ART in the last two years than I ever did in the past fifty plus years! All of that to say, CHANGE CAN BE GOOD! Just embrace it and see what a blessing it can be! And, by the way, I love the new look of The Fuzzy Duckling. I hope you do, too!

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